Lungs Project is pleased to participate in a panel discussion on "Engaging People Through Creativity" at New Art Social, a series of events organised to offer an opportunity for creative people to gain an insight into other people’s artistic process. New Art Social is a night at which exciting new and established writers, poets and artists share their work through readings and panel discussions. It is curated by author Guy Mankowski, who aims to break down the barriers which keep the wealth of artistic talent of Newcastle in isolation. New Art Social is created to give artists a chance to speak to one another and share their experiences of exposing and making a living from their work.
The next iteration of New Art Social will take place on Saturday 7th April, 7 pm, in the downstairs cinema at Quilliam Brothers Teahouse, Newcastle. The night will open with a panel discussion on Engaging People Through Creativity, with Lungs Project and Patricia Suarez, Movement Director. The event will also feature poetry readings from the widely anthologised Beda Higgins, as well as from Jasmine Jade and Lucie Wareham, plus dystopian fiction from Tom Astley.
Tickets are £3 at the door. Please note that entry is on a first-come-first-served basis.
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